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Spearmaster is one of five playable Slugcats in the More Slugcats Expansion. They have increased agility and the ability to hold Spears in both hands at once. They are unable to eat normally; they must instead rely on the Needles they produce from their tail to drain nutrients from other creatures.

Spearmaster is unlocked as a playable character after completing the campaign as Hunter, Gourmand, or Artificer.



Lung Capacity Standard
Throwing Skill 2
Spear Damage 1.25
Run Speed 1.2
Pipe Speed Standard
Pole Speed 1.25
Mass 0.86
Loudness 1.35
Crawling Stealth 0.6



The player can create Needles from Spearmaster's tail at no cost by holding GRAB with an empty hand. Pressing other inputs pauses Needle fabrication; a Needle can be created partway, paused indefinitely, and resumed later as long as GRAB is held. Needles can be made while standing, crouching, in pipes, tubes, on poles, and while airborne. They cannot be created while fully submerged. If Spearmaster is holding a creature or object that requires two hands, Needles can still be created but immediately detach and fall to the ground.

Needles function identically to Spears in terms of damage, trading with Scavengers, and other general utility. They do not conduct electricity and can be grabbed onto safely when staked into a TeslaCoil, unlike normal Spears.


Spearmaster must siphon nutrients from creatures with their Needles in order to gain food pips. For a Needle to succeed in gaining food pips, it needs to be fresh. A Needle is considered fresh if it has not been previously thrown, put down, or otherwise knocked out of Spearmaster's hands. Inactive Needles gradually fade to black to signify this change.

A Needle must hit and embed in a creature in order for food to be gained. Additionally, creatures only provide food while they are alive, meaning that corpses cannot be eaten from.

As a fresh Needle is thrown, a long, organic strand is seen connecting the Needle to Spearmaster, acting as an intake of nutrients should a live and viable target be impaled successfully.

The amount of food pips filled by each creature per hit defaults to 1. The table below lists the exceptions:



Creatures Food pips per hit
Garbage Worm 0
Karma Flower 0
Mushroom 0
Rain deer 0
Batfly 0.25
Rot (Legs) 0.5
Infant Centipedes 0.5
Grappling Worm 0.5
Hazer 0.5
Jellyfish 0.5
Infant Noodlefly 0.5
Snail 0.5
Squidcada 0.5
Neuron Fly 0.5
Vultures 0.5
Eggbug 3
Firebug 3
Popcorn Plant 5
Gigant Jellyfish 10


The Spearmaster requires 5 food pips to hibernate, while up to 5 may be stored for the next cycle.

Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal? Animal?

Mushrooms, Karma Flowers, and Neuron Flies still grant their regular effects upon being hit with a fresh Needle.

Popcorn Plants are rendered unusable upon being speared.

Giant Jellyfish instantly die upon being hit with a fresh Needle..


  • Predators are more common and difficult.
  • Reputation with Scavengers starts at -45.
  • Garbage Wastes has blue Rot, a Mother Long Legs, and some rooms filled with lethal acid instead of water. Some entirely new rooms can be accessed.
  • Shoreline's structures are in better condition, instead named Waterfront Facility. The Precipice is also more intact and no longer a dead end, now connecting to Looks to the Moon as well as the rest of Waterfront Facility.
  • Looks to the Moon has not collapsed yet.
  • Shaded Citadel has much fewer Flashbang spawns, being entirely absent in Shaded Citadel Memory Crypts. There are also fewer Miros Birds in the subregion.
  • Five Pebbles contains no mobile Rot cysts outside Unfortunate Development, and the Proto-Daddy Long Legs appear in greatly decreased quantities. The zero-gravity does not turn off.
  • The Exterior is completely free of Rot.
  • Drainage System has fluctuating water levels.