Rot is a type of creature consisting of numerous cysts with tentacles to draw prey in. It consumes almost all creatures, sometimes including other Rot, and can instantly kill Slugcat if they are drawn in. Most creatures are afraid of Rot and avoid it whenever possible.
The Brother Long Legs, or BLL for short, is an early-game threat found mostly in the bottommost areas of Garbage Wastes. They have a large health pool and are difficult to dispatch but have very few senses.
Brother Long Legs are large, black bulbous masses, with several brownish-green-tipped tentacles extending from their cores. Each core is accented with a brownish-green X shape. The number of cores and tentacles may vary. In DLC The Rot, Brother Long Legs are blue, similar to the color of Daddy Long Legs.
Brother Long Legs have too much health to be reasonably killed with standard Spears, and they tend to investigate the source of thrown weapons, making combat risky and impractical. Spears may be used to disable and escape from their tentacles if necessary. Tentacles that are damaged, but not deactivated, are intermittently stunned, which is more likely to occur the lower their health is. An
Explosive Spear to the core can kill a Brother Long Legs instantly.
As Brother Long Legs are blind and deaf, they are easy to sneak past. They usually patrol linearly around the rooms they spawn in, investigating anything that touches them, thus as long as they are given a wide berth, they are unlikely to notice anything that passes by. It is sometimes better to not throw anything at them, as this makes them head straight to the location it was thrown from.
Once a Brother Long Legs has detected prey, they search the nearby area for a period of time, then continue patrolling the room. They are slow in comparison to other predators, but they can easily traverse uneven terrain, meaning that they may catch up quickly if their prey struggles to navigate. Additionally, they can move through connection pipes, meaning that moving to a different room does not guarantee safety. Brother Long Legs temporarily shut down after eating a creature, so feeding them other creatures may provide an opportunity to escape.
Brother Long Legs are completely blind and deaf and rely entirely on touch.
The Daddy Long Legs, often abbreviated as DLL, is a significant mid-game threat taking the form of a large, blind, spider-like creature with long tentacles and acute hearing.
Brother Long Legs and DLC Mother Long Legs are similar, yet separately classified creatures.
The main body of a Daddy Long Legs is made up of several black spherical 'cores' of flesh that are each accented with a blue 'X' pattern, which are connected to its several long black tentacles with sticky blue tips. Daddy Long Legs have a variable number of cores and tentacles.
As Daddy Long Legs have an incredible amount of health, combat is very rarely a viable strategy against them. Spears can be used to disable their tentacles, and once all of them have been disabled theycan no longer move or consume creatures, but such a strategy is time-consuming and dangerous. Their tentacles regenerate health somewhat rapidly (12% every 10 seconds) and eventually reactivate, which canhappen randomly when their health is above 0 but is more likely at higher health. Tentacles that are damaged, but not deactivated, are intermittently stunned, which ismore likely to occur the lower their health is. Daddy Long Legs take extra explosive damage and a single Explosive Spear hit to the core is usually lethal, but Explosive Spears do not appear natively inthe regions they reside in and thus are not always a viable option.
Navigating around Daddy Long Legs is the primary method of dealing with them. The Exterior The Leg,
The Exterior Underhang, and
Five Pebbles all have numerous tunnels which can be used to gain an advantage; Daddy Long Legs can travel through room and shortcut entrances but cannot fit their cores inside one-tile-wide tunnels, thus allowing the player to avoid them by getting to a spot that their tentacles cannot reach. Daddy Long Legs are very noise-motivated and nearly always immediately move to investigate the source of any noise they hear. Rocks and Spears can be thrown against walls to immediately attract them to a different location; however, the sounds of
Slugcat running, jumping, hitting the ground and using a
Grappling Worm also make noise and may attract Daddy Long Legs to the player's location.
Directly running away from a Daddy Long Legs in an open area is not recommended. They are faster than Slugcat, and running away is noisy, meaning they will know exactly where Slugcat is. Additionally, moving into another room does not necessarily guarantee the player's safety, as Daddy Long Legs are capable of moving through room entrance pipes and may do so if they suspect that their target has gone through one. Furthermore, Daddy Long Legs do not lose interest easily and may linger in the same spot for several minutes around where it last heard a sound.
Finding a secure tunnel with multiple entrances to hide out in and throwing Rocks or Spears towards where the player wants the Daddy Long Legs to go is the most consistent method to lure them away. The player can also distract them temporarily by feeding them smaller creatures, as they stay in place when eating. Daddy Long Legs may also be temporarily deafened by the loud noises made by explosives such as Cherrybombs and
Grenades, allowing the player to evade them by disabling their ability to hear.
Daddy Long Legs are blind, relying on touch and hearing to navigate. When they hear something, their cores emit particles in the direction of the sound's source. They may extend their tentacles towards the source of the sound in an attempt to locate and catch prey.
Mother Long Legs, also known as Terror Long Legs and Grandpa Long Legs, are creatures exclusive to DLC Downpour. They are a larger version of the Daddy Long Legs and are the biggest mobile Rot cyst. They can be found in certain areas of The Rot, as well as the past incarnation of Garbage Wastes.
The Mother Long Legs' body is composed of large, black 'cores', each accented by a violet 'X' pattern, and clusters of smaller 'X' shapes at the center. They have numerous violet-tipped tentacles of varying lengths. The number of 'cores' and tentacles may vary. They have the largest quantity of tentacles in comparison to other rot variants.
Unlike other Rot cysts, Mother Long Legs do not have a weakness to explosives. Paired with their incredibly high health of 1600, this means that regular weapons have nearly no effect towards them. Their tentacles have 2.2 health each and regenerate health at a rate of 4.8% per second, 4 times faster than a Daddy Long Legs.
The only practical way to kill a Mother Long Legs is to use a Singularity Bomb, though due to the rarity of this item, it is likely that the player may not have one available should an encounter with a Mother Long Legs occur. Short of this, killing one in the span of a normal cycle is impossible.
Like the other Rot-based enemies, Mother Long Legs are blind. However, they have an acute sense of hearing that allows for them to pursue the Slugcat and other prey. Distracting one with thrown Rocks can lure them away. Alternatively, employing the distraction of other creatures can alter the focus of a Mother Long Legs, allowing escape.
Despite their large size and long tentacles, fleeing from a Mother Long Legs is easier than with other mobile Rot cysts, as they are comparatively much slower. Avoiding being grabbed is a high priority, as the Mother Long Legs' tentacles rarely release anything caught in their grasp, even if hit with thrown Spears or Rocks.
Mother Long Legs exhibits the same hearing ability as the Daddy Long Legs, actively searching for prey to consume either by inserting their tentacles into small crevices like pipes and tunnels to grasp hiding prey or approaching the source of loud noises. When a creature manages to evade its tendrils, the Mother Long Legs lingers for a while in the same position where the creature escaped, attempting to fit into and use its lengthy tentacles to grab and pull it out.
Rot originated from Five Pebbles when he attempted to circumvent the self-destruction programm and failed. Initially, Rot was dumped into the
Garbage Wastes while it was still in the form of
Mother Long Legs, and this is the form it takes during
Spearmaster's campaign. Over time, it degraded into
Daddy Long Legs and then
Brother Long Legs, which is the form it takes in most Slugcats' campaigns.
By Rivulet's campaign, Five Pebbles has been unable to prevent the runaway formation of Rot and his superstructure is once again filled with Mother Long Legs, Daddy Long Legs, and lots of Proto Rot, even changing the name of the region to
The Rot. By
Saint's campaign, this has degraded into only a handful of Brother Long Legs in
Silent Construct, after his superstructure collapsed.