Lizards are the most common type of predator; found in 11 regions, they are hardy and near-ubiquitous and pose a threat to Slugcat throughout the entire game. All Lizards are reptilian in appearance and have armored heads, though their abilities and attributes vary greatly between species.
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Can climb poles | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Base Speed | 2 | 4.1 | 3.2 | 3.8 | 4.1 | 3.9 | 3.1 | 5 | 4.85 | 0.65 | 3.75 | 5.1 | 10 |
Toughtness | 2.5 | 1 | 0.5 | 0.9 | 0.8 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0.9 | 2.5 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 4 |
Body Mass | 7.5 | 2.1 | 1.4 | 2.1 | 1.7 | 2 | 2.1 | 3.1 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1.4 | 13 |
Visual Radius | 850 | 900 | 950 | 1200 | 900 | 0 | 960 | 2300 | 990 | 2300 | 960 | 1400 | 2300 |
Bite Delay | 20 | 12 | 14 | 15 | 21 | 12 | 12 | 2 | 12 | 6 | 3 | 18 | 1 |
Lethal bite chance | 50% | 33% | 20% | 40% | 25% | 45% | 33% | 100% | 33% | 50% | 12.5% | 65% | 100% |
Swimming Speed | 0.6 | 0.2 | 0.35 | 0.25 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 2 | 0.45 | 0.45 | 8 | 0.3 | 3 |
Tamming Difficulty | 0.8 | 1 | 1.1 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3.5 | 7 | 1 | 0.3 | 0.5 | 2 | 10 |
Lizards' movement speed varies per species; most are slightly slower than Slugcat's running, crawling, and climbing speeds. The majority of Lizards also have the ability to climb poles, allowing vertical movement
When biting Slugcat, Lizards use a RNG-based kill system. Each Lizard species has their own percentage chance to kill Slugcat when successfully bitten. If the check fails, Slugcat is incapacitated but alive.
When a check fails, there is a brief grace period lasting 0.75 seconds where Slugcat can throw Rocks, Spears, or other weapons to free themself. With Remix enabled, Monk never dies to Lizard bites, excluding those with a 100% chance of killing Slugcat. Being taken to a Lizard's den while incapacitated results in death.
Both death and incapacitation disable the player's input and bring up the game over text in the UI. The difference can be distinguished in two ways: incapacitation plays one bass note and Slugcat's eyes squeeze shut, while death plays two bass notes and Slugcat's eyes cross out.
Lizards rely on both sight and sound to perceive their prey. Vision range varies by species, averaging at around 250° and 1000 pixels, or 50 tiles, and is affected by movement, distance and bodies of water. They can also hear and investigate noises, with a hearing stat of 0.6-1.3, depending on how fast they are running. The faster they are running, the worse their hearing is. All Lizards have a hearing multiplier of 1.
Lizards are fearful of creatures that prey on them, such as (but not limited to) Vultures, and attempt to run away when faced with predators.
All Lizards can be tamed, but different species require different amounts of food to be successfully tamed. Factors such as reputation, personality, and prior confrontations may also impact how much food is required. Enemies such as Centipedes,
Noodleflies or even other
Slugcats are some of the Lizards favourite meals
Certain Lizards have differing diets and may eat creatures that other Lizards do not. Most Lizards ignore smaller prey such as Batflies or
Vulture Grubs.
All food types are equal in reputation value, though live food is less effective, as Lizards need to catch gifted food before their reputation increases. Due to Monk's higher starting reputation, they have an easier time taming Lizards. Saving Lizards from threats, such as Vultures, causes a sharp reputation increase. Sheltering Lizards also causes an increase in reputation, and may be enough to tame a Lizard if the player's reputation is high enough. Lizards also possess a global reputation system, which impacts all Lizard behavior toward Slugcat. When Lizard reputation is extremely low, Lizards become more aggressive towards Slugcat and prioritize them over other prey. Unlike other reputation-dependent creatures, this is not shared with Slugpups, meaning Lizards always try to eat them unless tamed.
Once tamed, Lizards become passive toward Slugcat and follow them everywhere, including into shelters and through gates, unless physically unable to. Tamed Lizards also attempt to fight anything that threatens Slugcat, including creatures that normally prey on Lizards, such as Vultures,
Monster Kelp, or even
Leviathans. They also fight other Lizards that threaten Slugcat. While tamed Lizards may break away to bring food to a den or to fight another creature, they prioritize following Slugcat. Lizards stay tamed as long as reputation remains high, which can be maintained by feeding them or hibernating with them. Inversely, Lizard reputation is lowered when weapons are thrown near or at them. A Spear to the body typically breaks their trust. If Lizard reputation is on the lower end, they may occasionally bite Slugcat.
The player does not have direct control over a tamed Lizard, which leads to quirks that must be worked around. Tamed Lizards are still afraid of Slugcat when they are holding a Vulture Mask, but still follow them at a distance. The effect wears off after a short period of time but renews with each successful cycle. Tamed Lizards are also still hostile towards one another, and may fight or kill one another, making it hard to have more than one tamed Lizard at the same time. Furthermore,
Scavengers and Lizards are still hostile towards one another no matter Slugcat's reputation.
Green Lizards are a common species of Lizard. They are one of the first Lizards the player may encounter and can be found throughout many regions. They are slow and lack the mobility of most other Lizard species, but they are heavy and resilient, making them a formidable threat.
Green Lizards come in various shades of green, ranging from lime to mint. They have black bodies which usually feature short, stubby spikes or are otherwise plain. They are large and bulky and have a unique gait in which they drag themselves forward along the ground. Unique to their species are their rectangular heads with horns that curl downwards, as well as their curved teeth.
Fighting Green Lizards can be fairly easy on level ground, though their high health means they can take 5-10 Spear hits to kill. A hit to the face with a
Rock can stun and flip them over, leaving their soft body vulnerable to Spears. After 3 Spear hits, they typically attempt to retreat to their den. They are slow, making it hard for them to flee and thus leaving them open to further attack. However, they have a strong bite and can be dangerous if faced when ill-equipped.
Sneaking past Green Lizards is generally simple, as their line of sight often stays close to ground level. They tend to move in one direction continually, making it likely for them to bypass prey completely if they don't have reason to investigate its general area further - avoid jumping repeatedly or throwing objects in their presence if trying to avoid detection. However, they are not easily distracted once locked onto prey.
Green Lizards are slow and clumsy, making it easy to jump over them or outrun them in a straight line. They also cannot climb, so staying on poles or elevated platforms is generally safe. However, they may still use warp dens to reach places seemingly inaccessible to them. Green Lizards also have a blind spot directly in front of them, seemingly in their mouth, which can be used to touch a Green Lizard without being attacked, but is risky as if the lizard moves back or charges they will be able to land a bite.
While most Lizards can charge, Green Lizards have a stronger charge attack, signaled by a windup during which they hiss before lunging forwards and biting. However, Green Lizards often perform this attack even if they are on lower ground compared to prey, or may even charge off a ledge and miss. If they miss, it disorients them for a brief moment, leaving them vulnerable. Green Lizards can charge much more frequently than other Lizard types. While charging, a Green Lizard's mouth is always open, leaving the inside of their mouth vulnerable to Spears.
Green Lizards are heavier than all other Lizards, excluding the Inv-exclusive
Train Lizard. As a result, they are immune to other Lizard bites.
Pink Lizards (also referred to as Magenta or Purple Lizards) are one of the species of Lizard. They are one of the first Lizards the player may see in the game, and likely the first variety encountered that can climb poles. They are found mostly throughout the early-game but make a few rare appearances in later areas.
Pink Lizards come in a wide range of colors, from fuchsias to purples. They have black bodies that are usually plain or feature small frills.
While not very durable, Pink Lizards make up for it with speed in close quarters. Unlike Green Lizards, getting near an uninjured Pink Lizard usually results in them instantly lashing out, and therefore caution must be taken when getting close to stab them; using
Rocks to stun and flip them before doing so is advised. Pink Lizards typically die after 2-4
Spear hits.
Pink Lizards have average vision, and do not usually look up above ground level unless they are climbing poles or hear something, making stealth an effective choice against them. Throwing Rocks to lure them away is typically sufficient to avoid them.
Pink Lizards are not very fast and can be outrun on flat ground, but they do have a degree of mobility; particularly, they can be quite fast on poles, meaning that they have an advantage in long vertical rooms that let them close distance with their prey.
Pink Lizards do not have any unique or exceptional abilities, although they have the highest aggression stat of all Lizards, making them the most likely to react to visual or auditory stimuli. They serve as an introduction to Lizards' vertical mobility.
Like all Lizards except Green Lizards and DLC Caramel Lizards, Pink Lizards can climb up poles.
Blue Lizards are a small species of Lizard, capable of climbing on walls and using their tongues to grab on to prey. They appear predominantly in the early-game, with some rare appearances in the mid- and late-game. They are the weakest Lizards and are preyed upon by some other Lizard species.
Blue Lizards come in a range of colors from cyan to cobalt blue. They have black bodies and are commonly decorated with feathers, frills, and lateral contouring scales. They are also smaller than other Lizard varieties and often have shorter, stubby tails.
Blue Lizards are not very durable, taking only 1-2 Spear hits to kill. However, it can be tricky to get a good angle on them due to their ability to climb on walls. Hitting them causes them to fall off the wall, granting an opening to attack. Baiting them into an area where they are forced into a choke point, hitting them with a
Rock to flip them over, then stabbing them is a good strategy to dispatch them. Additionally, a Blue Lizard latching on with its tongue grants a good opportunity to throw a Spear into its mouth.
Blue Lizards have worse hearing and vision than other wall-climbing Lizards, making it possible to sneak around them easily. They usually climb around the borders of rooms but may deviate if they are tracking prey. Throwing Rocks or using some sort of other sound distraction usually distracts them for long enough to get past.
Blue Lizards are not the fastest Lizard but make up for it with their mobility. Running away from them in horizontal rooms is relatively easy, but they can quickly close the distance vertically, making them difficult to evade in vertical climbing sections. Hitting them with a Rock or a Spear stuns them momentarily, causing them to drop off the wall and potentially buying time to get away.
Blue Lizards can climb on walls, ceilings, and background walls, giving them much more mobility than the average Lizard. Hitting them when they are walking on walls knocks them off.
Blue Lizards possess a short tongue with which they can latch onto their prey. When their tongue has hit something, they are immobilized until they have either successfully reeled in their prey, or they get stunned.
White Lizards, also known as Camo Lizards or Chameleons, are a species of Lizard that predominantly appears throughout many early to mid-game areas. They are ambush predators that blend in with their environment using their unique ability to change color. They are capable of climbing walls and have incredibly long tongues used to catch prey.
When not camouflaged, White Lizards have white bodies with black heads. Unlike most other Lizards, they do not exhibit any hue variation. They are usually plain, or have small frills and back scales. Their eyes appear to be closed.
While White Lizards are not particularly tough, only taking 2-4 Spear hits to kill, their mobility allows them to stay out of reach of weapons. The key to fighting them, therefore, is to stay as level as possible with them, as they are very difficult to fight in a vertical situation due to the advantage their long tongue gives them.
As with other Lizards, their heads are armored; they can be flipped over with a Rock to expose their vulnerable body, or ambushed them from a favorable angle. If they are climbing a background wall when hit with a weapon, they are momentarily stunned, letting go of the wall; this can be used to drop them over a death pit, instantly killing them.
It is possible to use their tongues against them, as they are rendered more or less immobile while reeling prey in. As their mouth is open while latched onto prey, the player may use this opportunity to hit the inside of their mouth with a Spear to deal extra damage.
White Lizards usually position themselves to have a good view of the room they are currently in, making it hard to sneak past them. Additionally, their camouflage can make it hard to know where they are. They are sometimes pointed out by the Overseer, but their location can also be discerned by looking for their eyes, teeth, and body outline against the background, or by making enough noise to get them to salivate. As ambush predators, they tend to remain stationary when not actively pursuing prey and are unmotivated to investigate noise, making this a viable strategy. It should be noted that in some areas their camouflage does not work very well.
White Lizards possess the ability to walk on background walls. Unlike other wall-climbing Lizards, they are incapable of walking on ceilings.
When idle, White Lizards mimic the color of the background they are standing on, often rendering themselves near invisible save for their eyes and mouth. They stay motionless, waiting for prey to pass them by. Once they have spotted potential prey, White Lizards emit particle effects, often giving their location away. When their prey has wandered close enough, their camouflage fades away as they begin to give chase. This camouflage is not infallible, however; any damage to their body results in their coloration going haywire, losing the ability to camouflage themselves effectively for the cycle.
When ambushing or pursuing prey, the White Lizard may employ their long tongue to try and snag it. Once their tongue has hit something, they remain immobile as they attempt to reel their prey in. If struck by a Rock or a Spear, they release whatever they are latched onto.
Yellow Lizards, also referred to as Orange Lizards, are a social species of Lizard. Characterized by their long antennae and ability to coordinate and hunt in packs of 2-5, they are a common mid to end-game threat.
Yellow Lizards come in pale yellows to reddish oranges. They have black bodies and striped antennae of varying lengths, which glow and quiver when communicating. Like other Lizards, they frequently have back scales, and may also feature small back spikes, quills and tail frills or 'feathers'.
Yellow Lizards are not strong on their own, usually only taking 2-4 Spear hits to kill. They are also clumsy with relatively slow reflexes, but can quickly surround and overwhelm prey as a group. Singling out and quickly dispatching individual Yellow Lizards is an effective strategy for handling a group. Killing the alpha also disrupts their ability to coordinate, although alphas can be hard to distinguish from the rest of the pack.
Yellow Lizards do not have the best vision or hearing. They are also frequently found in places with many tunnels and alternative routes, giving opportunities to sneak around them. Once a single Yellow Lizard spots prey, the entire pack begins moving to that location.
Outrunning Yellow Lizards is mainly a task of avoiding being cornered, as they are not particularly fast. If surrounded, it is possible to backflip or jump above their heads due to their slow reflexes. They are also very commonly found near death pits; their clumsiness frequently causes them to fall to their deaths while giving chase.
Yellow Lizards can telepathically communicate with their packmates; when one Yellow Lizard sees prey, every member of the pack is informed of its location. The pack uses this information to surround and corner their prey.
Each pack has an alpha, assigned based on the highest dominance personality value. When the alpha is killed, the entire pack loses its ability to communicate with one another.
A single Yellow Lizard seeing and running from a Vulture Mask affects the entire pack. This causes the Mask timer for the entire pack to progress at once.
Black Lizards, also known as Mole Lizards, are a blind species of Lizard usually found in dark environments. As they cannot see, they rely on their keen sense of hearing to navigate and hunt down their prey. They are one of the rarest Lizard species, only appearing in 3 regions, though they are often seen in large groups.
Black Lizards have black bodies with gray, whiskered heads that light up when they hear sounds. They do not exhibit any hue variation. Due to their environments, it can be hard to make out their attributes, but they very commonly have back spines.
Black Lizards have average health, taking 2-4 Spears to kill. They have sluggish reflexes, making them relatively easy to hit. Slide-spearing is particularly effective against them due to the fact that they cannot see and therefore cannot react in time to bite. However, they are often found in narrow tunnels and pipes, meaning it can be hard to get a good shot at them. Additionally, while they do not form packs, there are usually multiple in rooms they are found in, and attempting to kill one may attract others.
Given their complete reliance on hearing, Black Lizards are easy to evade if care is taken to avoid making noise. They are typically found in areas with many tunnels, which can be moved through silently. However, it is often difficult to know where they are; their environments usually mask their location, which makes it hard to predict their movements. Gray flashes in the dark indicate they have heard something and are on their way to investigate the noise. If they are blocking the way, throwing a Rock can bait them into another area and allow Slugcat to move past them.
Black Lizards are easy to outmaneuver due to their average mobility; the main challenge is avoiding being cornered by them, and balancing speed with quietness. Throwing a Rock or a Spear in a different direction encourages them to investigate the sound, giving an opportunity to slip by.
Black Lizards are completely blind and must rely on sound to navigate and locate prey. They have an incredibly keen sense of hearing, able to hear almost any noise made in the room they are in. When they hear something, their head lights up and they begin to make their way to the origin point of the noise. If they do not find a creature at that position, the Black Lizard begins to search the nearby area.
Salamanders, also known as Axolotls, are amphibious Lizard-like creatures. They are capable of swimming underwater, unlike their terrestrial cousins who can only float on the surface.
Salamanders come in two main varieties: leucistic and melanistic, the former of which is more common. These determine the base color of their bodies, which can then be tinted in blues, indigos, purples, pinks, reds and oranges. They feature gills and tail frills of varying lengths, and rarely exhibit back spines or plates. They have narrower and more oval-shaped heads compared to Lizards, the color of which is shared with the body.
Salamanders have an average amount of health and die after 2-4 Spear hits. However, they present a unique challenge when encountered in water due to their ability to dive and good underwater vision. They are difficult to see underwater, and submerged Spears lose their velocity quickly, making it hard to hit them. Luring them to land allows for easier combat; on land, they have fairly average abilities and can be dealt with like any other Lizard.
Salamanders are often found blocking vital pathways and in areas that offer few alternate routes, making stealth difficult. Avoid attempting to sneak around them in water; they have the speed and vision advantage and are camouflaged in deeper water, making it difficult to spot them approaching.
Salamanders have average mobility on land, making them generally easy to avoid and outrun. However, it is more difficult when underwater due to their enhanced swimming ability. In deeper water, it is possible to slip past a Salamander by quickly diving beneath and around them, then resurfacing. In shallow water, luring them towards land where they are slower and moving around them there is a good option. If caught by their tongue, hitting them with a Spear or a Rock stuns them.
Salamanders can swim beneath the water's surface and swim much faster than they walk, able to outpace Slugcat in water. They can be difficult to see when deep underwater, meaning they are able to catch prey off guard if caution is not used. Out of water, they have average speed and are able to climb poles.
Salamanders can see perfectly underwater, but take a 50% vision penalty when looking into water from the surface.
Salamanders have a short, sticky tongue which can reel in prey from close range.
Red Lizards are the largest, most aggressive, and deadliest species of Lizard that can be encountered in-game. They do not spawn natively whilst playing as Monk or
Survivor and can only be encountered through the lineage system during these campaigns.
Red Lizards are some of the most decorated Lizards, typically featuring long, thin frilled tails and backs adorned with spines. Some may exhibit smaller and darker back spikes. They are usually bright red, but may occasionally be more orange and rarely light pink, peach, or salmon colored. Red Lizards have the longest average tail-to-body ratio of any Lizard and may feature up to four distinct scale types on a given individual.
Red Lizards are extremely difficult to fight due to their aggression, speed, ability to disarm with their projectile spit, and resistance to injury; they can take 6-12 Spear hits before dying. Additionally, hitting them with a
Rock does not flip them over like other Lizard species, and they are resistant to Explosives. Hitting Red Lizards with a Spear to the mouth via crouch- or slide-spearing stuns them for a longer than average period, granting the opportunity to get more hits in on their body.
Explosives may also be used to stun them for a moment. A tamed
Green Lizard can be a valuable ally to have when fighting Red Lizards as they are immune to Red Lizard bites.
Sneaking past Red Lizards is difficult due to their keen senses; they can hear and see from far off-screen and pursue prey relentlessly. Additionally, they are typically found in long, flat stretches of terrain, giving few options for sneaking around them.
Due to their speed, evading Red Lizards can be difficult; on flat terrain, they can easily close long distances. Because Red Lizards are incapable of climbing walls, staying on high ground may be advantageous. When running away from a Red Lizard, it is possible to utilize the knockback from their projectile spit to boost towards an exit. Additionally, finding a group of other creatures such as Squidcadas,
Scavengers, or even other Red Lizards may distract them, buying time to get away safely. Advanced movement, such as slides, also helps in outpacing them.
Red Lizards have the ability to spit projectiles at their prey. While the spit itself does not deal damage, it causes a large amount of knockback, weighs down whatever it is attached to, and can even disarm Slugcat. The projectiles have a large range, but Red Lizards must stop moving to shoot them. They shoot projectiles at a rate of about 4 times per second.
Unlike other Lizards, Red Lizards are not afraid of Vultures or
King Vultures and are not affected by their respective
Vulture Masks.
However, if a Red Lizard is preoccupied, such as when carrying prey back to their den, Vultures are able to bite and carry them off.
When chasing prey or fighting against other Lizards, Red Lizards use their tongues. Unlike other Lizards' tongues, the Red Lizard's tongue is incapable of grabbing Slugcat. Instead, it can steal an object from Slugcat's hand. If this object is a Spear of any sort, the Red Lizard bites it in half, destroying it. Some objects can potentially harm the Red Lizard when stolen; for example, Explosive Spears detonate when a Red Lizard bites them.
Cyan Lizards, also known as Leapzards or Leap-Lizards, are an agile and aggressive species of Lizard. They are the most mobile Lizards, able to climb across walls and terrain while also being capable of launching themselves at high speeds.
Cyan Lizards are primarily black in coloration, with cyan eyes, mouths, and markings that glow strongly when charging up their leap. Their colors can vary from greenish-turquoise to light blue. They may sometimes feature wing-scales of varying sizes and positions, and often have unique patterns on their leaf-shaped tails, as well as other frills and feathers adorning it.
While Cyan Lizards are fast and aggressive, they do not have much health, taking 2-4 Spear hits to kill; therefore, the main difficulty lies in managing to hit them due to their high mobility. Stunning them with
Rocks knocks them off walls and prevents them from leaping, giving an opportunity to hit them with a Spear. Hitting them with a projectile while they are in mid-air also prevents them from grabbing onto anything for a few seconds, potentially leading to them falling to their deaths.
Cyan Lizards tend to stay on the move, patrolling areas quickly, making it easy to wait for them to move past and sneak around them. They are common in areas with many alternative paths and places to hide
Cyan Lizards are difficult to escape from, as they are able to follow Slugcat almost anywhere. They can be evaded by luring them to jump away, then using the opportunity to slip past. Vulture Masks are particularly invaluable in warding off Cyan Lizards as due to their high speed, they run away significantly faster compared to other Lizards, creating more space before the Vulture Mask's effect wears off.
Cyan Lizards can climb on walls, ceilings, and background walls. They are capable of grabbing onto background walls at any point while falling through the air unless stunned.
Cyan Lizards are able to launch themselves using their tails, allowing them to traverse distances very quickly. They perform a short windup, during which their tail is held stiff and vibrates. Depending on how long they charge up, they may perform either a single leap that launches them a great distance, or a sequence of shorter, rapid-fire leaps. Both can be chained together and propel them through the air until they hit the ground or grab onto a wall.
Cyan Lizards possess a short tongue which they can use to latch onto and reel in prey.
Caramel Lizards are a species of Lizard exclusive to DLC Downpour. They are characterized by their large size and ability to leap and spit projectiles.
Caramel Lizards are large and bulky Lizards. They are the only species of Lizard to have 6 legs, with the middle pair being slightly shorter. Their bodies may vary in color but are always pale. Their other colors can vary from pale yellows to dark, desaturated oranges. They have rectangular heads with knobby spikes along the top.
Caramel Lizards are a formidable threat with relatively high health, taking about 5-6 Spear hits to kill. Despite being unable to climb, their leaps make them capable of attacking Slugcat when on poles or elevated platforms. However, Caramel Lizards have difficulty navigating over uneven terrain, making them easier to evade. As with other Lizards, they can be flipped over using
Rocks, though this has no effect when they are charging. They can also be scared off by the use of
Caramel Lizards, similarly to Green Lizards, have a line of sight that stays mostly on ground level. This causes them to often stand idle until they notice prey or a threat. Like all other Lizards, they are capable of hearing and investigate noises produced by creatures or items. Once a Caramel Lizard has noticed prey, they become difficult to lose; crawling, avoiding making noise, and avoiding their line of sight can help the player sneak past them.
Due to their leaping capabilities, Caramel Lizards can be hard to avoid. However, their attacks are slow and clumsy, making it easy to avoid them with backflips. When they leap, they become disoriented for a short duration, giving time to move past them. Staying on high ground or passing through tunnels below them is a reliable way to avoid Caramel Lizards. Additionally, they can be baited into leaping off ledges or away from Slugcat. Caramel Lizards also have difficulty turning around over terrain and in pipes, leaving time for evasion if they must turn to chase the player.
Caramel Lizards have a leaping attack, signaled by a short windup in which they hiss before leaping towards their target. This attack allows them to catch creatures on poles or reach platforms above ground level. However, this attack is clumsy and inaccurate, and they may hit walls or leap off of ledges. When they miss, they are disoriented for a short period of time.
Caramel Lizards, similarly to Red Lizards, have the ability to launch projectile spit at their prey. While they do not deal damage, these projectiles heavily weigh down whatever they strike while also causing a large amount of knockback. Caramel Lizards must stop moving in order to use these projectiles. The centers of these projectiles share the same color as the Caramel Lizard's head.
Eel Lizards are a semi-aquatic Lizard species exclusive to DLC Downpour. They can be identified by their long spiny tail and slender frame and are the second aquatic Lizard after Salamanders. They are most frequently encountered in water-based regions such as Shoreline and
Eel Lizards are a semi-aquatic, long-tailed species of Lizard. They possess a green or turquoise oval-shaped head with small spines behind their neck and have narrower facial features than other Lizard species. They have an extremely long, slender tail covered in spines that flare outward underwater, and only 2 legs in contrast to the usual 4.
Much like Salamanders, Eel Lizards present a level of difficulty other Lizard species lack: their presence in water. Their good vision and underwater mobility make them a high threat to Slugcat when they are lurking in rooms that the player must pass. Combating an Eel Lizard underwater is difficult, as Spears and other weapons rapidly lose velocity when thrown underwater. However, these weapons can still be used in close quarters or when an Eel Lizard has bitten Slugcat in the water.
It is much easier to fight an Eel Lizard on dry land, though they are reluctant to leave the water. Eel Lizards are much slower on land and can be flipped over with a Rock to expose their soft belly for an attack with a Spear. Eel Lizards take 2-3
Spears before dying, and only require 1 hit with a Spear to flee back to their den
Like other creatures, Eel Lizards have strongly movement-based vision. Sneaking past them on elevated platforms while crouching or moving slowly can help to avoid detection, as well as making use of connection pipes. However, their tendency to lurk underwater may block off pipes vital to progression. Eel Lizards can be lured away by throwing Rocks or Spears or by distracting them with prey.
Eel Lizards tend to lurk motionless underwater. With Slug Senses enabled, Eel Lizards do not appear on the map when they are 'lurking'. However, their glowing heads often give their position away, making them easier to avoid.
Eel Lizards are nimble in water and can quickly close the distance between Slugcat and themselves. However, they have difficulty biting Slugcat precisely due to their tendency to attempt to bite from further distances. Eel Lizards also have difficulty navigating level geometry, leaving the player at an advantage when an Eel Lizard gets stuck underwater or in a chunk of rough terrain.
Because Eel Lizards are reluctant to leave the water, staying on land when possible may be enough to avoid confrontation altogether..
Eel Lizards are able to breathe and dive underwater. They remain stationary underneath bodies of water and lunge at any creatures that fall in.
Eel Lizards are much faster in water compared to the Salamander, capable of giving chase or evading predators such as the Leviathan. However, this comes at the cost of their agility upon land.
Eel Lizards have excellent underwater vision. Despite their visual radius being on the lower end in comparison to other Lizards, their vision is entirely unaffected by being underwater. However, Eel Lizards have a lower surface vision, causing their visual radius to be cut in half when looking through the surface, either in or out of water. Like all creatures, the strength of their vision is directly tied to the movement of other creatures around them.
Eel Lizards are capable of climbing on background walls. However, this behavior is rarely exhibited, as Eel Lizards largely prefer to stay inside of water. Eel Lizards are also capable of climbing on poles like most other Lizards. When prey exits water, Eel Lizards are very unlikely to attempt to follow it out.
Strawberry Lizards, also known as Zoop Lizards, are a species of Lizard exclusive to DLC Downpour. Characterized by their small size and ability to traverse terrain with their long tongue, Strawberry Lizards are fast and deadly. They are exclusive to Saint's campaign unless lineaged.
Strawberry Lizards are small, scrawny lizards adorned with frills. They have light pink heads with hair-like structures. If lineaged, Strawberry Lizards are missing these hairs on their heads. Strawberry Lizards are one of the few Lizards to have a white body and have unique frilled tails. Snow can accumulate on their bodies.
Strawberry Lizards are slow and clumsy on the ground and have difficulty climbing poles. Despite this, they pose a significant threat due to their long tongue, which they use to grapple towards their prey at high speeds. Strawberry Lizards also have the second highest bite lethality chance at 65% or 13/20. For this reason, close combat can be risky. Rocks can be used to stun Strawberry Lizards, and
Cherrybombs scare them away. Grenades and Explosive Spears can be used to kill Strawberry Lizards from a distance. Strawberry Lizards can be killed with 3-5
Other Lizards consider Strawberry Lizards prey. Taming another Lizard or luring a Strawberry Lizard near other Lizards may assist the player in killing them.
The Strawberry Lizard's keen eyesight makes them difficult to sneak around, as they can spot Slugcat from across a room. However, Strawberry Lizards may be distracted by other prey, such as Batflies. By throwing a Batfly in a Strawberry Lizard's line of sight, they prioritize the Batfly over Slugcat, giving time to escape.
Strawberry Lizards cannot outpace Slugcat's walking speed without the use of their tongue and have difficulty traversing uneven terrain and poles. Their tongue attack can be avoided by making note of its wind-up, in which Strawberry Lizards slow down and hiss before attacking. Due to their rarity, it is normally possible to path around them. Taking low-visibility routes or moving quickly through the use of movement tech like slide pouncing can also help avoid them.
While pursuing prey, Strawberry Lizards can shoot out their tongue and pull themselves to the location of where it landed. They can grapple on terrain, background walls, and other creatures. Strawberry Lizards' tongues are the same length as a White Lizard's, and their tongue ability has a short cooldown.
Strawberry Lizards only utilize this grappling ability when pursuing prey and do not employ it in any other situations.
Strawberry Lizards have poor hearing but compensate with an extremely large field of vision.
Train Lizards, also known as Hurricane Lizards, are a species of Lizard found exclusively in Industrial Complex when playing Inv's campaign. They are extremely fast, durable, and deadly, with a high bite rate, extreme lethality, and high aggression towards their prey.
The Train Lizard is a deep shade of purple and does not exhibit any hue variation. They have a black body with many long purple frills down the length of their back and often down their tail. The tail is much longer than the body and sometimes fades to purple at its tip. They are the largest Lizard type, surpassing the Red Lizard's size and even the Green Lizard in mass.
Train Lizards take about 10-12 Spear hits to kill, though Inv's low Spear damage makes this a less viable method of killing them. It is safer to avoid them or kill them with
Singularity Bomb.
Sneaking past a Train Lizard is next to impossible, as they have incredibly sharp vision and are able to see prey over multiple screens.
Train Lizards can be avoided the same way as Pink Lizards, but require much tighter maneuverability due to the many advantages they have. They sometimes struggle to get around pipe corners, which can be used to juke them. Like with any other Lizard type, Train Lizards can be distracted by feeding them other Creatures.
Like Red Lizards, Train Lizards have a 100% bite lethality rate and can bite every frame.
Train Lizards have a lunge attack similar in length to the Green Lizard's.
Train Lizards are the heaviest lizards in the game, with a mass of 13. This causes them to shake the ground when they travel. This also makes them the only species of Lizard that can harm Green Lizards.